Name: Sydney and Chloe Dao and Houston's Voice
The Houston Mayor announced, “Residents can unite online and discover a Houston they never knew, “ when Comcast chose the city to be one of six to launch a locally branded website, the pilot and first of its kind by the cable giant.
Getting the gig seemed the easy part compared to figuring out who to choose from for the series. Houston is filled with high achievers, dreamers, success stories, celebrities and dare devils.
One person who encapsulates all these qualities is Chloe Dao: Vietnam born, Manhattan trained, and Houston bred clothes designer and Project Runway winner. Chloe and Sydney, one of her seven sisters (also featured) are very much a reflection of Houston’s diverse citizens.
(View more of the Comcast Series videos: Yvonne Washington; Hugo Ortega; The Art Guys and Tina Zulu)